NOTE TO MEMBERS: A survey was performed within current membership to determine how the class for August will be presented. The majority consensus was remote ZOOM. However, should you be interested in attending a class in person with your fellow inspectors from your region, please contact your regional director and inform them. If enough members express an interest, we will make efforts to offer a live location. Directors are:

East (Knoxville) Melissa Boggs – 334-221-3431       Tri-state (Chattanooga) Tim Larkins – 423-413-4514

Central (Nashville) Tim Fuller – 615-504-7345        West (Memphis) David Morgan – 901-428-2995


Summer Classes:

Darson Buckner will present “Durable Walls – Inspecting the Building Envelope” (#1071, 4 hours C.E.).

Darson Buckner is a Moisture Management Consultant and has been involved with field studies and research of window installations and building envelope design for over 30 years. Darson has worked with Oak Ridge National Laboratories, Buildings Technology Department; University of Tennessee; DIY; Charter Cable Home Improvement Series; HGTV; ZEBRAlliance. He has a Master of Science degree in Green Building and has given hundreds of seminars to architects, code officials, builders and other building professionals in the U.S.; Darson is certified with architect, builder, and building codes organizations as an approved educational speaker in the area of Moisture Management and Building Envelope Design. He is certified as a Home Energy Auditor; LEED Green Associate; a Master Certified Green Professional by the National Association of Home Builders; masonry inspector with the Masonry Institute of Tennessee. He currently works as a DuPont Tyvek Building Envelope Specialist for Dealers Warehouse Corporation.

Mike Twitty will present: “Electrical Systems… Solving The Mystery”                   (Course #866, 2 hours C.E.)

Understanding electrical systems can be somewhat daunting to home inspectors that come from
non-electrical backgrounds. Most pre-licensing and certification courses tend to focus on
common/typical systems, installations, and repetitive defect identification. Not much emphasis is
placed on the “why” things are done. This course will touch on basic electrical theory to give a
home inspector some “background science” to help make sense of how electrical systems and devices
work, and why specific requirements are in place. We will relate this science to common electrical
circuits and installations found in residential construction.

The use of proper terminology and verbiage in both verbal discussions and in written reports is
imperative to establish the credibility of a home inspector as a professional consultant. We will
cover how to properly describe electrical components and defects in a way that can be clearly
understood by both trades/repair persons and home buyers.

You must be some level of member to register for any HITA continuing education. Please go to 'JOIN", choose membership level, then register for the Continuing Education.